Pro-Life Resources
- Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers by Randy Alcorn; Free E-Book.
- Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn
- Answering the Call by John Ensor
- Psalm 100 God’s View on Life by Pastor Jeff Schlenz
- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Video Lecture by Dr. David Menton
- Online video series on life; with Dr. R.C. Sproul
- Forgiven & Set Free; post-abortion Bible study offered one-on-one/as group study at Center
- Healing the Hurt of Abortion; PDF Resource from Focus on the Family
- Pro-life physician directories: and
- Pro-life perinatal hospice resources:
- Lifesong Resource Page for families considering adoption:
Sample Sermons and Sermon Resources
- Pastor Milt Johnson, Chantilly Bible Church; “Taking Life Seriously”
- Pastor Garrett Kell, Del Ray Baptist Church; “Finding Forgiveness after My Abortion”
- Pastor Garrett Kell, Del Ray Baptist Church; “The Ultimate Unplanned Pregnancy“
- Pastor Jesse Johnson, Immanuel Bible Church; “Who Has Made Man?“
- Dr. David Platt, IMB; “Connecting the Sanctity of Life and the Great Commission”
- Dr. David Platt, McLean Bible Church; “Praying & Working for Justice: Abortion“
- Dr. John Piper, Desiring God; “Abortion is About God“
- The Vox Project: Pastor interviews on the Biblical imperative to preach about life
- Care Net: “5 Fears that Keep Pastors from Preaching about Abortion“
- Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission; “How should a pastor counsel a couple considering aborting their unborn child with disabilities?”
- Focus on the Family: 37 Scriptures Speaking to Life
- Focus on the Family: Healing the Hurt pamphlet for post-abortive individuals
- The Gospel Coalition: Healing from the Trauma of Abortion article
- Dignity of Human Life Guide with kid’s activities (p.27-46) from Focus on the Family; Free Download
- Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth by Danika Cooley (Free Printable activity guide and posters for kids)
- How to Survive Your Teen’s Pregnancy by Linda Ellen Perry and Lynellen Perry
- Stand for Life: A Student’s Guide for Making the Case and Saving Lives by John Ensor
- Telling Your Children about a Past Abortion by Linda Cochrane (Article)
Still looking for a particular resource on life, abortion recovery, or sexual integrity? Contact us for additional book, article, and organization suggestions.