Our Community Programs
Assist works in partnership with the local church to promote life and minister to those impacted by abortion. We envision every local church becoming a welcoming place for women and men in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy or seeking healing from abortion.
Abortion Recovery Workshops for Churches and Ministries (Year Round)
Customizable workshops for pastoral staffs, lay counselors, or ministry teams are offered year round in order to equip leaders to minister effectively to women and men impacted by abortion. Workshops cover common symptoms of post-abortion stress and how to respond. Contact us to schedule a workshop for your organization.
Abortion Recovery Group Bible Studies (Spring and Fall)
Bible studies are offered on an on-going basis for women seeking healing from a past abortion. Taught by caring and compassionate leaders in a confidential setting, the “Forgiven and Set Free” study allows individuals to heal from the emotional and spiritual effects of abortion in a group context. Spring and Fall 2022 group studies available. Location and Dates available with RSVP. Contact us for additional details.